Import means inserting goods into Turkish customs zone from
different countries or free zones in accordance with the import legislation and
customs legislation in force or other entry and processes that will be
considered as import by the under secretariat.
The importer means real persons who are registered in the
customs office in order to execute import transactions and have identity
numbers and legal entities that are residents in Turkey and have tax numbers
and partnerships that are authorized for legal transactions in terms of
provisions of the legislation in force as well as not having a legal entity
Import Process;
- Performing foreign researches of the products you need and
detecting their suitability,
- Investigating supplier profile, detecting the best ones in
terms of price and quality,
- Within the frame of the current legislations, performing
cost study and pricing in a manner that the products are delivered to your
domestic warehouses,
- Detecting risks so as to provide the products to be supplied
are in the required conditions and creating solutions against them,
- Considering the international standards, drawing up
agreements and attaching conditions by force of the agreements to these
- Providing organizations of logistics and customs
transactions with our solution partners,
- Performing product import,